Hey there, genuine pet lovers! First and foremost, congratulations! You've finally made up your mind and have decided to get a pet dog! We are elated and are sure that you will never regret this decision. Bringing a dog home is the most humbling experience. To clear all your remaining doubts and make sure your and your new pet's experience goes the best, we've compiled a list of '10 things to consider before getting a dog'.
Make sure you're ready
Imagine a furry little tail wagging at your home! Yes, the smile you have on your face says it all. We know you're excited to go forward with your pet parenting journey, so here's a checklist to ensure that you have thought this through and are ready to embark upon this beautiful journey!
Here's a list of a few things that you need to keep in mind when considering getting a dog.
Choose Wisely:
Hundreds and more dog breeds are classified differently based on size, character traits, fur and coat, hypoallergenic or not, quality, and many more. Before choosing your preferred breed, you should go through the breed traits and their requirements so that your furry friend can easily accommodate your lifestyle. One primary criterion is that you get a healthy and purebred puppy and that you get it from reputable dog adoption agencies. Make it a point always to adopt a pet ethically and from a responsible breeder, following all the necessary documentation and vaccination procedures.

How much space can you offer?
They get uncomfortable in an area smaller than their needs. For instance, if you choose a big breed like Chow Chow, they would require more space than any other apartment-friendly pet like Chihuahua. So, pick the perfect pet for yourself according to the amount of living space you can offer them! If you live in an apartment, you should go for small dog breeds like Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Toy Pomeranian, Culture Pomeranian, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier, Cavapoo, Cockapoo, and Daschund. They require less exercise with minimal barking tendencies. On the contrary, if you reside in a villa or a bungalow with a garden or backyard, you can get a dog that enjoys more space to fulfill its exercise needs and enjoys freedom or even a guard dog.
Time and Attention
Once you get a pupper, you'll have to give them your time, attention, and energy to play with and take care of them. (I say this as my pup tries to sit on my keyboard and makes puppy eyes for love!) All this time and attention is worth the love they will give you back! They are going to be your easiest and most complicated decisions at the same time. Based on the temperament, several breeds crave more attention than others, like Huskies (they are big cry babies).
Getting a dog is not short-term fun or a way to distract yourself when you're bored. An average dog lives for 8 to 10 years. That's how long you're going to commit. Dogs aren't man's best friend just like that. Even they take time building their trust and believing in you. So, don't disappoint them; keep them happy and wagging those tails.
Cleanliness equals Dogliness
Yes, dogs sweat, shed, and create some mess. You might need deodorizers and other products for your dog's sanitary needs. Not only do they need enough space or a hygienic environment, but having a dog requires proper sanitation. You need products like shampoos, dog diapers, poop scoopers, and other grooming products. You might have to look out for the fur that they shed. Their fur will be your go-to accessory for the rest of your life.

Hold your Costs
Make sure your wallet is dog-ready, and you can manage your finances enough to take care of your furbaby. Right from getting a pup, you have to start investing in puppy vaccination, medication, dog pedigree, accessories, and vet visits. Pet-parenting might also include training costs, so knowing your expenses will prepare you better to welcome your furry friend home. Do not get carried away while doing dog online shopping, and don't be an impulsive shopper.
Kids and other Pets
If you've got kids or other pets, make sure to plan the socializing of your new one correctly. They will be together for a long time and must learn to respect and care for each other. Dogs are among the most trusted creatures, and responsibility comes with trust. They can play together and have lots of fun, but you must know that you cannot be sure all the time.
Let's start Dog Proofing
GO!GO!GO! It's code RED! Hide your slippers, cover your couch, and rescue your plants because they will welcome a very energetic and equally curious furball! Do not leave anything around that you might deem dangerous for your doggo. Cover all sharp edges such as table corners and cupboard corners to save your new furbaby from injury. Dog-proof your home as much as you can.
Vaccinations and Medications
Vaccination is required to protect your pup from diseases that might prove detrimental to their health. Anti-rabies immunization is the most important for you and your dog's safety. Other regular medications include deworming medicines and sometimes dog protein mixed with a healthy diet for a sturdy doggo. You can easily find dog vaccination services in India at any pet clinic or online pet store.

It's give and take
With all the things you give them, please give them a soft and positive attitude. Keep in mind that you will get back ten folds of the love you give them. They will be your furry best friends and rule your heart (and sometimes your bed)! They might be a small part of your life, but you are their whole life for them. Get yourself linked to responsible dog adoption sites to responsibly start your pet parenting journey.
Still, have doubts? Still not sure? Worry not; we're here with trusted professionals and veterinarians who provide the best advice regarding pet parenting. Check out Mr n Mrs Pet. We can take you in on all your questions on why rescue dogs are better or where and how to adopt dogs in India! We'll also help you in finding a responsible dog breeder!