Hey fellow hikers! This one is for all those who dream of making a hike with their floofballs. We're sure even your pets would like to spend this kind of quality time with you as they hike across places. We want to tell you that it's not as difficult as you might think. You'd need to take care of a few things and a few extra things that you'd have to carry. But this article will make sure that all those articles added to your bag will be worth it in the end. After all, it's an adventure for you and your dog both!

Animals sure are the best travel partners with whom you can make so many memories, but we need to be extra careful when hiking in the company of our dogs. You need to make sure that the trip is as fun and comfortable for them as it is for you! It means there is a need for all kinds of outdoor dog gear for your puppy that you need to look after and take care of.
To make it easier for you, we have researched and compiled a list of all the necessary things or dog accessories and supplies you might need to enjoy hiking with your dog! These seven most important things are as follows. Let's start with-
Dog Boots: Dog boots are something that can prove to be quite beneficial while trekking. Even more, than you'd expect! Not only will they prevent any damage to your pup's paws, but they also will let your puppy maintain its speed without worrying about what it steps on. Your dog might take time to get used to this dog hiking gear, so you should let them wear and practice walking in those boots before making the trip.
Retractable Leash: We all know the importance of a leash, even when there isn't a hike. Thus, a retractable dog hiking leash will make sure that your dog stays a particular distance from you, not too far. It'll be elastic, so you can even stretch it as much as your pup wants. The best part about it for a trek is that it'll be attached to you. You won't have to use your hand to take care of the leash. Instead, you can attach it to your bag or belt and hike without any hassle with your best friend!
Water Bottle / Foldable Bowl: A water bottle is the most important thing to carry for humans and doggos. At any point during the hike, your pup might feel thirsty. For that, there are special water bottles for dogs that ensure maximum convenience. Aside from water bottles, dogs are attached to their food bowls and feel a sense of familiarity eating with their food bowl. There are foldable food bowls for dogs that are easy to carry and convenient to eat from for traveling purposes.
First Aid Kit: You must know all the things that your dog is allergic to or any meds that your dog might need in the course of the hike. Even as a precaution, you must carry necessary dog medicines with you for any situation in which your dog might need them. You should also have antibiotics for dogs or applicable tubes like betadine or cold packs on you to tackle dangerous problems.
Harness with Tracker / Collar with Name Tag: Hiking is all fun and games till you have an enthusiastic pet who likes to run around a lot. You would not want to find yourself looking for your lost pet in a place you barely know as well. To prevent this from happening, get your dog inside a harness and install a tracker on it. It will have you less worried about your puppy, so you and your pet can equally enjoy the trip freely. Also, your dog would want to roam freely at some point, so you should make sure that their collar is easy to spot (eye-catching) and as comfortable as it gets for them to enjoy. These kinds are the best dog adventure collars and can be a great addition to the list!
Pet Carrier/ Pet Prams / Kennel/ Portable Cage: If you own a small breed dog or a pupper, you can make them look like an accessory for yourself by carrying them in a small dog hiking gear or a dog pram when they get tired. You can even have them in different bags available for carrying dogs, if possible a rucksack kind or whatever seems easy and convenient to carry. To avoid inducing anxiety in a new place, you can take a kennel or a portable cage for your dog to stay in and feel at home without any stress until they get used to their new surroundings.
Food/ Treats: It is said that dogs think with their stomach, so it is best to carry an abundant amount of food or their favorite food or treats with you while traveling. It will not only give them the energy to run, but even the hike would seem happy and peaceful with your pet and its satisfied tummy. So make sure not to forget it at home, or you might as well forget your pet there too!
Every pet is different and requires different amounts of food and attention. Knowing all the dog hiking accessories, you need for a sound and a hazard-free trip is significant. One can also get the best dog hiking gear in India in the form of a kit as per requirement and the size and breed of your dog. Happy Hiking!
These were some of the most important things to carry with you if you're planning to go on a hike with your favorite family member. You can add more to the list of your dog's hiking accessories as per your pup's requirements or get in touch with Mr n Mrs Pet to get traveling advice with your pet, be it a dog, a cat, or a hamster or any other pet.