Pet Care in Monsoon- Do Not Let Your Paw Friends Suffer
The first drops of rain must have reached your soul by now and most of you must have watched the drizzle with your favourite person or pet beside you. In this season, humans get so involved in themselves that they often forget about the animals they share this planet with. Pet care in monsoon is of utmost priority; any negligence can make them ill and suffer. The monsoon comes with unpredictability in weather patterns and unique dangers. Some of the major issues that must be addressed comprise of-
Healthy Pet Care in Monsoon
In this season our precious friends become more vulnerable to rabies, aggravated flea infections, fungal infections, gastroenteritis, feline flu etc. prevent these by regular vaccination and immunity shots. Do not leave their fur dirty and do not allow them to play outside for a long time. Bathe them in lukewarm water and use the same for cleaning their paws so as to avoid fungal infections.
There are no vaccines available for the birds; the best that can be done is to keep them indoors as much as possible and that too in a dry place. Cats especially are prone to the breathing problem, due to the moisture content in the environment. Ensure warm and dry surroundings for a easy pet care in monsoon.

Light, healthy and nutritious meals are better in monsoon. Increase the fibre content in the food so the meal is easy to digest without much physical activity. Give warm food to senior pets. Do not over-feed your pet at all. The size of the pet’s meal depends upon the size of your pet and not its weight. Change the water in their pails in two to three hours to prevent water-borne diseases. Stagnant water becomes a trouble for pet care in monsoon. Keep supplying fresh germ-free water. Apart from it, the storage of food should be in a hygienic area where no dampness can penetrate. Dry or cane food is not good for pet dogs and cats as it may lead to digestive disorders and gastroenteritis problems. Try to give them freshly cooked veggies as much as possible.

If you plan to take your pet outside, light-weight raincoat, jackets and paw covers are a must. Still, you must try to involve the pet in indoor activities so it doesn’t get bored and the need to exercise is also fulfilled. Indoor games such as puzzles games, rewarding gaining toys and many more activities should be introduced to make the indoor time enjoyable for both- you and your pet. Indoor living is good for pets as most of them are really sensitive. Light meals although eliminate the necessity of exercise, but some physical activity ensures that pets don't become lethargic.
Thunder Phobia
Since we are talking about the monsoon season, this is a very prevalent phenomenon. The sound of thunder scares many pets and they can feel an increase in anxiety. To prevent this, do the following-
•Distract them by giving a mental task.
•Shelter them in a place where the sound of a storm is very low and surround them with their favourite toys.
•In case the situation persists, do not be late in consulting your vet.

Just a friendly Request
Our pets live in a safe and secure environment with us, still, we do so much to comfort them. In this season, it is very difficult for street animals to survive. If it’s raining and any dog or other animal stops in your porch or gallery, please let them stay. Do not shoo them away. They themselves will leave once the weather allows them.
To better understand your pet, keep visiting here and for more information, please visit our website.