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How Cats express through body language?

Ankita Singhal January 2023
How Cats express through body language?

Cats have always been a misery to everyone. These feline friends go through lots of emotions, and we can't help but adore their expressions and behavior. Reading a cat's emotions and body language is a tricky task. They can change instantly from "I'm ready to fight" to "I'm ready to nap." It's like a ticking time bomb; they may go from cute and fluffy to angry minions of darkness in 0.01 seconds.

But we, as pet parents, never figured out what was going through their minds. 

But do they express anything other than their adorable meows? The answer is yes. They communicate with us through their body language; to decode it, you must do a lot of research. Sometimes they want our attention, but after a few seconds, they change their mind and give the stop sign. They like to play occasionally but scratch us without any indication. It will be much easier to get along with them if they can express themselves verbally. But we still love them, don't we?

You've come to the right place if you're a new pet parent with a cute little fluffy kitten or cat looking for some good explanations for their erratic behavior. Keep reading our blog to understand your cat's body language and recognize the most critical cat postures.

Different Feminine Friend Body Language:

1. Happy

You may have noticed your cat's eyes are half closed and blinking slowly. This is an excellent sign that they are content with your company and trust you! If it's held high and "shaking," your furry friend is happy to see you! The harder you knead, the happier they are but don't worry, your cat is having a great time! Furthermore, a happy cat with a rounded back, purring and rubbing against your leg. Although not all cats chirp, hearing this trilling sound indicates that your cat is content. A chirrup is often an invitation to follow your cat somewhere or to ask for affection or play.

2. Angry or Frustrated

A cat with a furrowed brow, slit eyes, and a direct stare is not happy, threatened, and possessive. The scared cat holds its tail rigidly up. They may curl their tail around their body to avoid being grabbed or bitten. A cat's body language gives clues at each stage, and it's time to back off when they flick her tail behind. A cat becomes frustrated when they do not have their access to essential things, such as having to wait to be let outside, or when their access to parts of the house is suddenly restricted, such as when a spare room becomes a room for a new baby and they are no longer allowed in.

3. Uncomfortable

If your cat's tail has formed a question mark shape, it is self-explanatory - they are curious and unsure of how they feel. An exposed belly does not necessarily mean 'pet me' – it could mean 'I want to play fight'… so approach cautiously. When a cat is uncomfortable, it may crouch low to the ground. If they stop and freeze when they see you, you can be sure they feel uncomfortable. Cats growl, hiss and spit at high levels of fear and stress. It's not a good idea to provoke a cat into biting because their bites can cause deep puncture wounds and infection. Furthermore, regaining that cat's trust and mending the broken relationship will be difficult.

4. Scared or worried

You may also notice that your cat leaves sweaty paw prints behind, which usually means they are stressed/scared. Give your cat space if he or she is leaning away from you and trying to hide because he or she is likely stressed or nervous. Even minor changes in their environment can cause stress in cats. Some cats may be concerned when a new pet or human visitor arrives. High-stress levels can even cause cats to attack each other. Cats dislike strong odours. You should avoid spraying them on your cat's bedding or litter box. So please provide them with a safe environment where they can live and roam freely.

5. Excited

You are being warned to back off by a growling cat. One of the first places to look for signs of a cat's mood is in its tail. As mentioned earlier, a high, vertical tail indicates a cat feels confident, comfortable, happy, and friendly. Someone is excited! Whether playing or preparing to attack a toy viciously, dilated pupils are a sure sign of feline excitement. Your cat may climb up on you, jump on you, or raise its front legs to place its paws on you. Your cat's meow may become louder, more frequent, urgent, and less pleasant-sounding. Their purr may also be higher in pitch, more critical, and less pleasant in tone. Their tail should wave gently and rhythmically from side to side but not thrash or thump.

6. I adore you.

Slow blinks are the feline equivalent of air kisses! If you notice your cat slowly blinking at you, there is no need to be perplexed by this strange cat behaviour. It simply means that your cat adores you. When a cat shows you their back or stomach, they trust you and enjoy being touched. Cats are known to rub up against people and other objects. It's partly a sign of affection and a message to other cats. Cats blink slowly to show affection and relaxation. If a cat blinks slowly at you, it is not afraid of you. They have faith in you. To bond with a cat that blinks gradually at you, you can reciprocate by blinking slowly back.

Pets are like our family members; we have to take care of them, and we will help you by guiding you through what you must do. If you want to learn more about your feline friend, visit our website. Mr n Mrs Pet can help you find your cuddly friend for life, making your life easy and fruitful.

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Did You Know?

Reading a cat’s mind can be difficult sometimes. These feline friends go through different emotions altogether. Please read our blog to understand the signs of their body language.

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