Has itever crossed your mind whether there are any dog breeds native to India apart from the Stray Indies thatyou see in the alleys? You will be surprised to know that more than a handfulof Indian Dog Breeds originated in India and make excellent petdogs. These Indian Dog Breeds are graduallygaining popularity, and more and more people are showing excitement in adopting them.They are more than happy to take home these Indigenous Breeds because they feelsatisfied that the pet will be comfortable in their surroundings. People havegradually accepted the idea of offering a place in their hearts and homes toindie and stray dogs! If you plan on doing the same, hereis all you need to know about Indian dog breeds thatare famous worldwide!
Bestsuited dog breeds for Indian Climate
Indiandog breeds are one of the most adaptable and resilient dog breeds.They can withstand extreme weather conditions and survive in almost anyenvironment imaginable. And most importantly, if you are planning to keep themin India, who else will be better adapted to the climate of its native countrythan an Indie Breed born to live in such a climate.
Fewpeople know about these Indian dog breeds becausethey are busy having a designer or exotic breed to play with. These breeds arerarely kept as pets, amongst a few known breedsbeing Rajapalayam (guard dogs usedby the Indian Army near the borders of Kashmir), Indian Spitz, Jonangi,and Himalayan Sheepdog! Being a pet parent myself, Iwould not disregard the idea of having an exotic breed at home. But to allfirst-time pet parents, I would suggest they go with an indie breed becausethey know our surroundings and adapt to them quickly.
So,here are 5 Indie dog breeds we bet you didn't knowabout.

Rampur Hound is one of India's oldest and rarest dog breeds.This breed gets its name from its birthplace, Rampur, located in North Indiabetween Delhi and Bareilly. The Nawab of Rampur- Ahmed Ali Khan Bahadur,created this breed by combining the bloodlines of Tazi fromAfghanistan and English Grey Hound fromthe United Kingdom and named it Rampur Hound. This breed iswell-known for its unrivaled allegiance to its family.

Kombaidogs are one of the mostcourageous Indian dogs. In the old days, people used themprimarily for hunting wild animals like boars, bison, and deer. The Kombai isnative to Tamil Nadu, named after the town where it originated. Theyare lovable pets as well as outstanding guard dogs with tremendous loyalty. Theunique coat style of this breed leads people to believe it is a fox descendant.

The Mudhol Hound is acompanion animal native to the Deccan Plateau region. The natives used them forguarding and hunting in and around Mudhol, Karnataka. Mudhol, also known as'Karwani,' is thought to be descended from Tazi and Saluki, brought to India byPersians, Arabs, and Afghans. The breed is reserved, tranquil,unapproachable, and quiet; it hunts with an extreme concentrationon marshy and drylands.

Namedafter an Indian village near Nepal Border, the Kumaon Mastiff,also known as the Indian Mastiff, is a working dog breed.The breed is large, has a strong neck, and is excellent at guarding. Thespecies has a sleek, low-maintenance coat. It is peaceful andquiet in its behavior. Because of its enormous size and self-assurance, it isusually mild-mannered but makes an excellent watchdog.

With atail like a Corgi, Pandikona isa 'primitive' dog breed that has evolved without human intervention. Thebreed is self-sufficient and requires less care because of its autonomy andhardiness from humans. The breed gets along well with humans andchildren but not with strangers. The breed flourishes outside, but only in warmclimates. Because of their physical similarities to EuropeanDobermans, the British occupiers of India named the breed the IndianDoberman. It is a hunting dog native toMadhya Pradesh and the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh.

Anothername by which the Rajapalayam isknown is the Poligar Hound. It is one of the mostpopular Indian Hound breeds amongst the IndianDog Lovers. It is a very ancient breed of India believed to haveoriginated in Tamil Nadu. It was bred to hunt wild boars and as guard dogsduring wars. They have a history of being used to hunting for royalty. Theyhave an aggressive and protective temperament which makes them excellent guarddogs. They are incredibly loyal and courageous when it comes toprotecting their family. They make fantastic farm dogs with anadded brilliance in being wary of strangers.
Afterknowing about these fascinating Indian Dog Breeds, it might have gotten yousurprised about their existence that you had no idea about all this while. Somany Indie Breed lovers adopt an Indie breed andgive them a loving home instead of adopting a foreign breed. Nowthat you know about these native breeds, you might consider them over fancydog breeds since they are most suited and adapted to the IndianClimate, Weather, Food, etc. Indian Dog breeds makea perfect fit to be your loving and protective pet. Always consider specificimportant parameters before adopting a pet.
We cantake you in on all your questions on why rescue dogs arebetter or where and how to adopt dogs inIndia! Always adopt from responsible dog adoption sites.
We willalso help you in finding a responsible dog adoption agency! Checkout dog adoption costs in India and adopt a dog from reputable dog adoption agencies. And, visit Mr n Mrs Pet forthe best pet care products and services today!